by Annika Sorensen | | Leadership & Corporate, Stress, Your Health
Are you a stressed out lady boss that feels overwhelmed and like you’re always running round in circles thinking.
“Does it have to be this disorganized even though I have tried to organize my work, my staff and everything else. It’s just like I’m firefighting every single day!”
It’s the same every day and you feel even if you try it doesn’t really work. You don’t know how to get out of the situation and you feel trapped in this hamster wheel.
There is help.
by Annika Sorensen | | Leadership & Corporate, Stress, Your Health
Today I want to talk to you about transparency and how that connects with stress. Have you ever reflected around this? You know transparency to me is to be open, to be clear and to be honest. The opposite is corruption, to do things behind my back or to cheat on others.
The upside of being transparent is the honesty, to be fair about what really is, and to not hide. Of course on the on the downside it can get you enemies because they don’t like that you are open and you can get very lonely for the same reason and also you do get exposed which might be tough and hard. But you’re still being honest.
by Annika Sorensen | | Leadership & Corporate, Stress, Your Health
You’ve heard me say so many times that stress is a bad thing.
Stress can make you ill and it really does gives you all those really difficult, dangerous diseases like cardiovascular disease and it can be so dangerous if not managed that it might even kill you. That’s what I’ve been telling you all the time right? And that still is true.
But that depends on how you take care of your stress, because new research has found that if you can see stress as a sign that something is wrong and you do something about it, then stress can actually be of good help. (more…)
by Annika Sorensen | | Leadership & Corporate, Stress, Your Health
I am contagious, you are contagious and I’m not talking about a dose of the flu or a cold, or any other infection that may be going around at the moment. I’m talking about your mood and how you behave.
You know, we are all equipped with mirror neurons in the brain, neurons that mirror what we see in other people. So if we meet people that are happy we’d be happy, if we meet people that are grumpy we’d be grumpy.
by Annika Sorensen | | Health Promotion, Leadership & Corporate, Nutrition & Diet, Stress, Your Health
You are looking forward to the upcoming summer for going to the beach going swimming and putting that nice summer dress on, and then you take a look in the mirror. You see a gloomy, and what you think is fat and floppy body. You feel desperate! “How will I get in shape before the summer? That’s just impossible.”
You think to yourself; “Should I find the diet drinks. Is there some powder meal replacement I should have, should I just stop eating or maybe there is a pill I can take.”
Wait. Wait. Wait.
by Annika Sorensen | | Leadership & Corporate, Your Health
Happy International Women’s Day. Today, March the 8th is the day to celebrate all the brave women out there in the world. All women. Everyone at their level.
Mankind is half men and half women. And we can’t survive without each other. Can we? We need both men and women, but it’s such a sad fact that girls don’t count as much as the men and they don’t get the education they deserve.