You are looking forward to the upcoming summer for going to the beach going swimming and putting that nice summer dress on, and then you take a look in the mirror. You see a gloomy, and what you think is fat and floppy body. You feel desperate! “How will I get in shape before the summer? That’s just impossible.”

You think to yourself; “Should I find the diet drinks. Is there some powder meal replacement I should have, should I just stop eating or maybe there is a pill I can take.”

Wait. Wait. Wait.


Happy International Women’s Day


Happy International Women’s Day. Today, March the 8th is the day to celebrate all the brave women out there in the world. All women. Everyone at their level.

Mankind is half men and half women. And we can’t survive without each other. Can we? We need both men and women, but it’s such a sad fact that girls don’t count as much as the men and they don’t get the education they deserve.


Do you sometimes have an odd feeling about a person in your social circle and you can’t really put your finger on what it is? They are not a line with you, and in a way you sense them as toxic. They are somehow stealing your energy and they don’t give you anything back they just steal from you.

You know what, you are probably right. Because this can be very stressful and it’s very common, and most people have these kind of people somewhere in their relationships.

They are toxic and you know what, maybe someone will think the same about you and you don’t know it. But the point I’m trying to make is that we are all different personalities you know, and that’s just the way it is.


Resolutions All Year Round.


Have you made New Year’s resolutions and already quit them?

Well welcome to normality, because 95% of everyone who made New Year’s resolutions have quit by January 15. So you’re just normal!

So why is it like this? Well, because people don’t make resolutions from the heart they just say the words that they think they should say, and then the resolution will be enough to make them change.

But that’s not how biology works. You know you need progress to be happy and you have to find things that make you progress, and then you will make changes that will last.

“A resolution is a new solution and that’s what you want.”


When you hear yourself saying “I Forgot” or “I Can’t remember!”

Do you find yourself forgetting things every now and then saying to yourself “I can’t remember, I don’t know where I put it. I just don’t remember.”

Well, forgetting things every now and then is normal because there is such an inflow of information and some of the stuff doesn’t really get into your brain properly. And there is such an overflow of it and if we don’t internalize it, it’s not there, but that is very normal. I’m sure you’ve been in that situation tons of times because most people have.


Are you getting stressed out and not realizing that is what´s happening?

Seeing signs that you don’t realize is your stress?

It creeps up on you, slow and nasty before it then hits you when it is too late.

Stress is not all the things on your to-do list. Stress is the reaction in your body and mind when your perceived demands from the outside is contrasting with what your inner power can handle.

This shows in many different signs and symptoms that we often have a hard time to understand. And all this is spiced with feelings that are even harder to control.  

Here are the 5 biggest signs to look out for that are telling you, you’re stressed out:
