When you hear yourself saying “I Forgot” or “I Can’t remember!”

Do you find yourself forgetting things every now and then saying to yourself “I can’t remember, I don’t know where I put it. I just don’t remember.”

Well, forgetting things every now and then is normal because there is such an inflow of information and some of the stuff doesn’t really get into your brain properly. And there is such an overflow of it and if we don’t internalize it, it’s not there, but that is very normal. I’m sure you’ve been in that situation tons of times because most people have.


Are you getting stressed out and not realizing that is what´s happening?

Seeing signs that you don’t realize is your stress?

It creeps up on you, slow and nasty before it then hits you when it is too late.

Stress is not all the things on your to-do list. Stress is the reaction in your body and mind when your perceived demands from the outside is contrasting with what your inner power can handle.

This shows in many different signs and symptoms that we often have a hard time to understand. And all this is spiced with feelings that are even harder to control.  

Here are the 5 biggest signs to look out for that are telling you, you’re stressed out:


Today I want to talk about sleep.

You know life on earth is adapted to the rotation of our planet, and we have known for many years that we, as humans, have clocks that work with this regular cycle of the the planet turning around itself. So we have these body clocks but how does it work? That’s not something that we’ve really known. I’m from Sweden and in Sweden we have the Nobel Prize, I’m not sure you know about it but here it’s a big thing and I usually hear about it every year and there are all these prizes for scientists who’ve done things that most of us don’t understand.


Some of my clients are not sure they have the right job,  they don’t feel the right connection to it and that can be very stressful. Have you ever felt like that? A disconnect?

Or maybe you are like the ones that tell me that they are perfect for the job and they really don’t know why that is either, they haven’t got the key of “What is it that makes me perfect?” or “What is it making me not like my job?”

The other day I was reminded of a guy whose name is Antonovski. He is a professor in medical sociology and he has created a term called Salutogenesis; it’s a hard word which means to look at what keeps us healthy instead of looking the other way around, the way that health care usually does where they usually are looking at what makes us ill.


Imagine the perfect workday:  Everything goes smoothly, you reach your goals and everyone is very content with what comes out of it. Your clients are just amazed by what you’re doing and there is no complaints at all.  

But that’s not how it is really, right?  You get so stressed out because you never reach your goals and there is always someone who hasn’t done their homework, someone who hasn’t done their deal and you feel you’re just struggling with people who don’t care about what they’re supposed to do.

They don’t reach their deadlines and when they don’t get their deadlines, you don’t get your deadlines. And you are the one that is responsible for it, it’s kind of your fault.  Or at least that’s the feeling you get.  


Today I want to talk about something that’s really close to my heart. It’s the question; Why do so many people get stressed out and even get sick from it?

Even though we know so much there are still so many solutions out there.  There are literally endless solutions out there, but it’s still the fastest growing disease maker in the world right now.
