Help yourself first!

On how to do good for others! Good routines give more energy!

By saying “Help yourself first” I don’t mean for you to take the first serving at dinner meetings or to be first in line to things. I mean that in order to do good for others you have to strengthen yourself first. It is like on the airplanes where you in case of emergency are told to put on your own oxygen mask before you try to help anyone else – even though it might feel like you should save your child/relative/friend/workmate first. Helping others first may be counterproductive. (more…)

Accelerate – Decelerate

Inspiration for more focus at work!

Slow down - get more done!

Last week I attended a big meeting about business growth, Accelerate, in Chicago. It was hosted by Eben Pagan, known to be a successful businessman. The whole thing was a blast and I got to connect with so many exciting people. I hope to be able to introduce some of them to you later on. One thing that made me very happy was that Eben Pagan repeatedly came back to the fact that you have to deal with your mind and body to reduce stress to be able to get the best out of you. He gave us this short exercise: (more…)

10 good reasons for physical activity!

Physical activity is the #1 “pill” for many health issues!
Physical Activity for bright Ideas

I listened to a really good video-blog the other day. It was Jeff Walker, Internet Marketing TM, who had a post about “How to stay Centered and Productive”. Interestingly enough he didn’t talk about having structure in work or a clean desktop or other workplace related issues. He talked about my subject – take a walk, run, go to the gym and other physical activity and combining it with meditation and forgiveness to yourself for not always being at the top. This led my thoughts to the fact that health is the basis of everything and I started thinking about what physical activity more is good for. (more…)

The #1 most important thing in life!

“First thing First”Near and dear ones come first (Small)

This is my first blog-post in a long time. You see, life got in-between. Early in 2013 I decided to focus on writing on my up-coming book and the blogging was a bit down-prioritized. I didn’t mean to stop altogether but just not focus on it. But I got more and more stressed, there was just not enough time. Just like you I am a business leader wanting to do my best and I ended up in the situation most of my clients are in when they seek my help: Stressed out. At this point a new catastrophe hits me. My 87 year old mother falls badly when she is doing such a banal thing as throwing away her garbage and she gets severely injured. (more…)

Promises for a great year 2013

Who will be the winner this year – is it you?                                           Calendar - A new year!

A new year has started. Right now it is like an empty page.  What do you want to fill it with? Have you set your goals during the Holidays? Now is your chance to set the conditions to make it the best year ever. (more…)

Which side of the brain do you use most?

TED talk that make it easy to understand!

I was going to continue with the Wheel of life but today I was shown a TED talk on Facebook that made me change my mind. I just have to write about Mindset instead. Well, you could say this is about personal development too, which is part of the Wheel of life. The speech was held by brain researcher  Dr Jill Bolte Taylor. It is an extraordinary speech about an extraordinary event.  She also explains so easy the difference between the left and right brain halves. Don’t miss this. (more…)