Summertime is a good time for lifestyle changes

Make lifestyle changes easy

Nowadays you can buy any food at any time of the year. Food is transported all around the globe.  Earlier we had only a narrow supply of fruits and vegetables in the wintertime in Sweden but with today’s good possibilities for shipping we have a variety also in the winter.  In the summer time however we have an abundance of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits also up north. Use that situation to change your eating habits. Lifestyle changes should be made easy to implement.


The struggle to get black figures in the company report

What is most important – your life or your job/business?

This might seem like a tough question but this is often what it is all about. Business people and other leaders or top people often have one thing in mind – to get black figures or rising the percentage of profit whatever it takes. Now it is time for half year report. Of course it is necessary to keep an eye on the figures otherwise the business cannot survive or grow – BUT to what price? Is it worth it? Can you do it some other way?


Graduation party is a big challange

I say it again – big events need big planning

Our youngest daughter has just graduated from High School. With graduation comes a big party. Everybody in our acquaintances is affected from this. Either they also have a daughter or son graduating or they are invited to 5 + graduation parties during one week.  Crazy isn’t it? I know many executive leaders having a hard time getting through this week. It is short before the holiday period and always a lot to do. How to manage and still stay on your feet?


Executive leaders should plan for summer vacation

Everybody need some time off!

Summer vacation coming up and people start planning their vacation. People having an employment have a specified amount of days for vacation. In Sweden it is very generous, the law says 25 days, some have even more. This goes for the bosses too. But I know many of them don´t take any time off at all. They don´t trust people to handle the company if they would leave for a week or two.  They don´t know how to delegate. It is a good way to get burnt out if you don´t take some time off. Are you ready to pay the prize?


Eat right and be a successful leader

How your eating habits master your energy3 colors a day

Your eating habits run your life. Agree? This subject is complicated; it is not just a question of nourishment and energy, but also a subject of feelings and memories. Food is used for nourishment and celebration and as comforter. It is also used as a drug. For some business leaders the eating issue is a big problem. They need to attend a lot of representing activities – often combined with a meal and a glass of wine. Why would that be a problem?


Buy Better Globe trees and you will buy happiness!

Money can buy happiness … if you buy for the right purpose.

As you know from my previous blog texts I believe that health is not only about physical health but also about peace at mind. Looking at the whole picture. Doing good for both yourself and for other is among the things I can see gives good peace at mind and therefor is one way to better health. Since I started to blog, tweet ( @AskDrAnnika ) and surf on Facebook ( Ask Dr Annika ) I have found many interesting films and articles on the theme Health and Happiness.  The other day I stumbled upon this very interesting TED Talk:
