Success & happiness: Who doesn’t long to have them? While we have different meanings and interpretations for this, I want to tackle one that focuses on business.

Now, business success and happiness… We long for high revenues and happiness but we know for a fact that it requires consistent hard work and effort, and many many ups and downs!

But would you let that discourage you from achieving your dream life? Nah-ah. But in case it does…

Here are 7 easy and actionable tips to help you get the life you’ve been aiming for:


Commit that you will finish what you have started no matter how easy or hard the road gets. Commit that you will do the work needed to accomplish your goals, whether that means getting sweaty or your hands dirty (of course, literally!). 

Always remember that if you cannot commit, it’s forever impossible. Because without commitment, no serious work would be done, and you’ll never be able to be a step closer to your goals. 

So yes, commit yourself entirely!


Whatever you do, do it with love! If you do something and you forget to add love to it… you’ll end up not enjoying the process, and that just means not being able to do things the best way.

Besides, the mood is contagious and when you start yourself in a bad vibe, that’s most likely how you’re gonna end it.

So… add love to whatever you do, and smile! 🙂 


Every day we do random things, and every day there are a lot of things we need to do. What a busy world we’re in, right?!

But let’s get real here… Being busy doesn’t always mean being productive. We can be busy but not productive.

How do we stop that cycle? By prioritizing! 

Which ones are urgent and more important? Which ones can wait and which ones are unnecessary?!

This way, we can choose to focus on more important things, and we know the things we NEED to do to be closer to our goals. So… prioritize and remember, it’s okay to say no (I’m sure you know what I mean)!


Take things easy…

Stop that fear and doubt. Not all the time that you start something, it’s going to be magnificent. Not all roads are straight and smooth!

So when you set yourself to do new things, skip the doubt and proceed with affirmations and manifestations. Instead of “Will I really be able to do this?”, say “I can do this and I will do this!”

A strong mindset is helpful – a strong mindset is powerful! <3


Your energy is important, and you need it all the time to work efficiently. 

Building something, or building an empire takes so much energy from our bodies, and our bodies can only do so much!

So we have to choose where to spend our energy and make sure we’re not wasting them…And of course, to make sure our batteries are always full… we need to care for our basic biological needs (sleep, eating, exercise)!


You’ll be surprised how by creating value, you will feel good and when you feel good, of course, everything else feels better and aligned!

When you feel good, you will feel happy and confident and you’ll be able to approach things with so much calm and positivity. And we know how these things are important, right?! Just imagine presenting feeling bad, do you think you’ll be able to close great deals when you present feeling negative?! So yes, provide value, feel happy and confident, and it will radiate to everybody in the room… higher chances of closing deals, right?!


What fun would it be if you’re not looking forward to the things you’ll be able to do and make?!

And hey…. Looking forward always helps.

When you look forward to something, you’re manifesting it and once it enters your subconscious, you’ll be surprised at how you and your body automatically act to reach it!

So, look forward, set milestones – and celebrate WINS, no matter how big or small! <3


If it feels hard to decide what you want to do on your own – get a mentor. Reach out if you need help. It is always important and there will always be things that you can support.

Check HERE to see if you feel like we’re a good fit.

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If you want to start your process for less stress in your life get my free e-book and start working.

To your success and keep smiling,
