When you hear yourself saying “I Forgot” or “I Can’t remember!”

Do you find yourself forgetting things every now and then saying to yourself “I can’t remember, I don’t know where I put it. I just don’t remember.”

Well, forgetting things every now and then is normal because there is such an inflow of information and some of the stuff doesn’t really get into your brain properly. And there is such an overflow of it and if we don’t internalize it, it’s not there, but that is very normal. I’m sure you’ve been in that situation tons of times because most people have.


Today I want to talk about sleep.

You know life on earth is adapted to the rotation of our planet, and we have known for many years that we, as humans, have clocks that work with this regular cycle of the the planet turning around itself. So we have these body clocks but how does it work? That’s not something that we’ve really known. I’m from Sweden and in Sweden we have the Nobel Prize, I’m not sure you know about it but here it’s a big thing and I usually hear about it every year and there are all these prizes for scientists who’ve done things that most of us don’t understand.


Three Tips to Get Enough Quality Sleep

Being a business leader means needing to be productive and being productive means that you need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. I’m sure you’ve struggled in the past with getting a full night’s sleep. And even if you think you’re getting a full night’s sleep, your brain might still be switched on.

That leaves you in a bit of a predicament…because you aren’t really getting the ‘quality’ sleep you need as a business leader.
