As I record this video I’m here on my last day in the States for this time and the snow is pouring down. I have had a fascinating time here and I just want to tell you a few thoughts about my trip around this TEDx talk that I did the other day.

When I found out that I was going to be able to do TEDx talk I was so happy. It’s been one of my dreams and it came true.

I started to work on the talk and make preparations for the trip with only six weeks to go!

There was a whole lot of preparations to do actually which was on times a little overwhelming but also exciting at the same time.

The closer I got to my trip and the real test of the whole thing – the actual talk, the more nervous I got. Of course we all get nervous when we do a big thing like this.

So, I wasn’t just preparing for the talk by writing it and rehearsing it daily, I was also more careful about getting good sleep every night and going to bed at the right time so I would not just have good sleep but enough sleep.

I was also making sure to eat regular and to do my exercise so that I would keep fit and stay strong and have the energy I needed when I finally got here.

I met with all these beautiful people at the event. Most of the other speakers and with all the people organising it all, just lovely people.

Luckily it was so well organized but I was still getting more and more nervous.

In cases like that, I tend to decide to have some free time for myself to rejuvenate because that’s how I do it. Some other people they might go into the crowd because that’s where they get new energy and those are mostly more the extroverts. I’m more of an introvert so I tend to like to have some time for myself.

The day of the event was fantastic and being on stage was such a marvellous experience. It’s hard to describe.

You stand there and you have all the lights in your face and it’s pitch dark in the audience. You have no idea what they think or what they do because you can’t see them, so you just do your talk and try to speak to someone afterwards.

I got so many good reviews and everyone said it was very interesting and that they related to it and that they learned something from it. Which is of course exactly what I wanted.

Now, I’m just hoping to be able to spread that word all over the world when the actual video is edited and it can be released.

As I record this video I’m on my way home reflecting on what has been such a great experience. I would never have wanted to be without it but it was testing my limits compared to what I have done before, but that’s the way you grow so I encourage you to also test your limits because that’s how you too will grow.

We’re hoping for the video to be released at the beginning of 2019 so until then if you want to dive into some stress related knowledge then please go to this link and get my free book or browse through my blog where you can find lots of free information.

If you feel you need help right now for yourself or for your workforce, please don’t hesitate to connect with me through my website or social media.