Holidays are just right around the corner again! Notice how time flies? You just realized it’s that time of the year that you have to figure out how to calm down for the holidays.

Although yes, nothing beats the good holiday feels. It’s very exciting, and a time that everybody’s looking forward to.

But is it always just the fun side of things?

Well, honestly, if you aren’t on the organizing side… if you just show up and attend and then celebrate – you probably won’t even know that holidays can be stressful too.

The question is: “How”?


The holiday season can be hectic. Don’t you know that just the word “Christmas” can press a “Stress Button” within?

I’ll get into more of that a little bit later.

First, I wanna know what Christmas is for you…

Today, for me, it is “family time”. But before, it was just a lot of stress – a rat race I hated until I found a solution to my problem.

You could be asking: “What problem? It’s Christmas!”


Here’s my story:

When I was a kid, I remembered jumping from one relative to another – where some of them got annoyed because they thought we didn’t prioritize them over the other. It’s like everyone wanted to be the “first one” to be visited, and that’s stressful.

Imagine visiting 4-5 places to visit during a few hours to exchange gifts and taste each other’s sweets which was a must because of expectations? I had to wait until the evening to have our own time, the closest family members.

When I got my own kids, I know I didn’t want them to experience the same. We had to do it due to “family rules” until the solution came.

When I was pregnant with my third we bought our summer house, which I thought was a good place – situated an hour away from where our relatives live, “winter-proof”, and can accommodate a whole bunch of people!

So I told everyone – “We invite all of you for Christmas, this Christmas, and the rest coming as long as we own this summer house, just let us know if you are coming.”

Some didn’t like it since they had to get out of their comfort zones. But we’ve stuck to this up until now, where my now-grown kids make sure early in the fall that we will all be together in the summer house for Christmas.

Our summer house – the place where we all find peace, enjoy the silence and have a good family time doing puzzles, playing games, taking long walks by the beach, is the only place Santa Claus knows of.

Still hectic because it comes with a lot of preparation, but hectic that you are enjoying it and you are looking forward to the celebration.


The holidays, in general, are very hectic, and if you are a business leader you have it double up. Expectations aren’t just from family but also from work.


Despite all this stress, there is a solution, and the earlier you start, the better.

The solution is called…


With correct planning, everything is achievable. Miscommunication and unrealistic expectations are the main causes of stress, so to avoid this…


With planning and communication, the stress is minimal.


Here are more detailed tips:

1. Make a preliminary to-do list for the weeks ahead.

This will make things clear and can help you with saving time and energy. Also reduces the amount of last-minute panic.

2. Make a preliminary list of all “holiday meals”.

Opt for potlucks instead of flowers or chocolates as gifts for the hostess. Make a list accessible to everyone to avoid repetition.

3. Decide on Christmas gifts together.

To one or many? Set a price – to avoid overthinking if the price is “just right”, “too low”, or “too high”.


Here’s a bonus tip for y’all:

Take a walk and talk at least once a day during the holidays.

Walk and talk means taking someone along on a brisk walk and openly discussing anything. It has something to do with your brain nerve connections and muscle movement eating stress hormones but I will not dig into it so much so you just try and see what I mean. 😉

To a calm holiday season,
