How, and why is a morning routine important if it’s just a routine?

Morning routine’s never new to us – we all have heard about it at some point in our lives – but most people haven’t really reflected on what it’s truly about.

Some of you would most likely say: “ I get up in the morning, have my coffee and go to work! How hard can it be?”

“Establishing a morning routine? Do we even need one?

You’re happy that way and that’s great. But having a structured one is better.

Additionally, we are wired for routines, and since morning is the start of the day, we might as well make a routine out of it that benefits us.

Fill it with actions that make us THRIVE and GROW, not just what’s enough to get us through the day.

Well to go back and answer the question, OF COURSE, we need it.

In fact, the morning routine is a way to set your day towards success.

If you know what to do and how to do it, it’s gonna make things so much easier because you would be prepared for whatever unpredictable’s coming. 

And when you are prepared… you’d be less stressed which also means you’ll have greater focus.


Have you heard that morning routine is an important key to success? It prepares you for something unpredictable that’s coming.


One good example is Brendon Burchard, a #1 New York Times best-selling author and “the world’s leading high-performance coach”. 

His morning routine includes doing yoga, looking over his daily schedule through the use of his very own 1-page Productivity Planner, and reading something positive.

Now I’m not saying that yours has to be like his… what I’m saying is look deeper.

There’s a ton of things you can do, all with greater purpose.


Br grateful, exercise, and find inspiration… if you start your day with these things, then you will have a great day.

It’s not about the flow of time you have to strictly follow… BUT about how you actually treat yourself well by attracting positive energy through doing things that can help you move forward. 

And I get it – there were times in life when this is hard to accomplish.

When my kids were small – 3 young ones – there was no time for sophisticated morning routines. Mornings were to survive. 

That’s why I’d also like to say that it is okay to take baby steps, as long as you practice it consistently that it becomes a habit – because there are no quick fixes.

So as long as you try to do something, and you do it consistently and sincerely, you are on the right track and I want you to know that…

You’ll get there eventually.


It’s not a matter of how you do it or how long you do it – AS LONG AS YOU DO IT. 

There are a lot of different things you can do – here’s to name a few:

1. Having Gratitude.

You will never go wrong with being grateful. Starting your day grateful, and ending it the same way actually has a huge positive impact on the brain.

Aside from the overall feeling of goodness brought by the feel-good hormones, having gratitude for something that has happened or hasn’t happened yet is a good way of setting things in a positive direction.

2. Being physically active.

Do something physical. Move.

This is to clear your mind with negativities and get your thoughts in order.

Working out? Stretching? Whatever works for you. Just make sure to get physically active, even if that means squeezing it in your 10 minutes of free time.

As for me, I like to take a 30-minute morning brisk walk before breakfast.

3. Being Inspired.

Listening to your favorite podcast, reading a book, listening to an audiobook, or singing along to your favorite song?

Take your pick! Because as long as it inspires you – you better include it in your morning routine.

30 minutes or an hour? It doesn’t matter! The point is for you to get the amount of energy you need to jumpstart your day.

These are just some of the “many”, and it may or may not work for everyone because, after all, we still have our own cup of tea.

This is not about what morning routines successful people do, but about how having one helps a lot in achieving success.

Gratitude, movement, inspiration – in general shows what morning routine’s really all about. 

Here’s another place for easier jumpstart!

To your morning routine and success,
