Calmness – the state of being free from agitation or stress, or the state of being at peace with one’s mind… But how does one reach such a state?


You do not need to go anywhere, or to look for it somewhere far… it’s within you – within your mind’s reach.
Yes, our minds are fantastic like that.


Our minds harbor all types of thoughts it can, like a never-ending slot machine! And sometimes, it just makes us feel powerless because we feel like we’re losing control.

And yes we are, it’s normal that we do – it ain’t easy to fight with our subconscious, right? One minute we’re extra happy then just a single thought we do not like we spiral down into a negative mood.


Before all this, I’m a full-time family doctor and around 15 years ago, I was sooo close to hitting depression because of too much stress, but I had to fight it because aside from being a doctor full-time, I have three kids at home! I have no right to be depressed at all at that moment if you know what I mean.

So I acted on it. 

I took this course on Stress Management before I get completely eaten up by my stressors, and even got judged for it because they didn’t see it as something right. Yes, I am a Doctor, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t be doing that, right? And it was honestly the best thing that I did!


When I took action, it made me realize something – a new fire burning inside of me back then – the passion to help people ditch spiraling down!

And so, the birth of my business.


We do not know what opportunities could open, or what things could happen if we stay calm vs. if we let stress control us and eat us down.

But I also know how achieving the state of being calm is not easy for the majority, so here are tips & tricks to practice to achieve it!


1. Train Your Mind

Meditate, meditate, meditate! It doesn’t have to be a full-blown meditation immediately. Start with 5 mins, then 7, 10… you’ll get used to it and you’ll be surprised how it immediately helps in calming your thoughts.

2. Be Present, Feel Present

What does this mean? It means you need to PAUSE, RELAX, and just BREATHE. When things are hard to absorb at the moment because of too many emotions, remember that you are just human and the easiest thing you could do to calm down is to breathe and relax, and just make sense of the moment – knowing that you are alive, which means you can think of solutions to stressful situations.

3. Reset and Recharge

Incorporate play into your life. When we say play it could mean anything you’d want to do for the sake of pleasure. This is how you will feel refreshed and recharged ready to take on new life challenges!

4. Turn Off Your Phone

Technology is great when used wisely. Do not waste too much time scrolling on nonsense things, the internet can be full of things that can’t help you reach calmness. You’ll see a lot of annoying things you don’t even have to see or know about. Use it wisely, and when you dedicate time to calm down and just meditate, DO NOT USE IT.

5. Have a Routine

Having a routine is important. While our day-to-day life is sometimes out of our control, it helps to minimize the unexpected as it minimizes the chances of us getting shocked or stressed to think and plan something new.

The moment you wake up and before you start with your day, it helps to write down your checklist for the day so you know exactly what to expect, and you’ll have a routine to follow. 

6. Accept & Let Go

The moment your mind gets disorganized, always ask yourself these questions: “Is there something I can do to change the situation I don’t like? Is it within my control?”

If your answer is no, then just let go. If there’s nothing you can do about it, you need to accept that fact and let go – or else your time and energy will be wasted on something you have no control of, resulting in you getting into a negative mood.

7. Move!

Moving your body or exercising, no matter how long or short, intense or mild – releases endorphins which reduce your stress level and help you increase your sense of well-being. The more sense you make in your own well-being, the easier it is for you to achieve a state of calm. 


If it feels hard to decide what you want to do on your own – get a mentor. Reach out if you need help. It is always important and there will always be things that you can support.

Check HERE to see if you feel like we’re a good fit.

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If you want to start your process for less stress in your life get my free e-book and start working.

To your success and keep smiling,
