I have been in business for about 10 years now. Working with Stress Management – taste those words! 

It has been a roller coaster including a co-op that went into bankruptcy in the early days. Incredibly stressful experience! 

It has been far from a calm journey as you can see, and I have tested my own de-stress tips over and over. And they work!

Before this business era I was working as a doctor in the Swedish primary health care system. That was not a business school. In Sweden health care is paid by the tax system and as a doctor you don’t chase clients/patients, you don’t deal with the payment system – you just do the job and get your pay-check. And you never talk about yourself, you just do your best helping the patient.

About 10 years ago everything just got a little bit too much. Stressful is a good word for what happened!

Endless amount of work, family, household, other people’s expectations – never time to reflect – I am sure you can relate!

But instead of walking straight into the famous wall of burnout, I took a step back, to see what my options were. 

I believe this is a step we take way too seldom – the step back to look at the whole picture.

I realized I needed to change something – so I took a turn. I joined a course in stress management – to help myself – and realized – this is what I was aimed for: To help people avoid becoming patients, health promotion and stress management.

Again and again I have seen the need to take that step back, to get a clearer view of what is going on. When you are in the middle of it is hard to see the forest for all trees, you need to get out first to get the overview picture.

I think the forest is a great analogy of what I mean but I have taken it yet another bit further – I call it taking a virtual helicopter ride over your situation. It is good to get that far up to see the whole picture.

When clients come to me to discuss their situation and find solutions they often say: “My friend/colleague had the same problem and they did “this or that” and it solved all their problems. Can you help me do the same thing?” 

And my answer is always: I can help you solve the same problem, if that is what you need, but it will probably not be in the same way.

You see, there are not any one-size-fits-all solutions in stress management. Even if the problems or challenges look alike every person has their own setting in life. The variations in circumstances are endless. 

That is where the virtual Helicopter ride comes in. We look at everything from work, family, free time, health, network, where you live, status and more. 

Up till today I have not had many clients solving their challenges in the same way they thought they would. Often the overview showed them other issues that were more important and maybe even easier to change first. 

Are you ready to take a virtual helicopter trip over your life situation with me as your guide? And then make the changes you need?

Just click here to book an initial free strategy call!

To your success and keep smiling