Today I’m going to talk about supplements and, yeah it’s not really my subject in itself but today I had this really interesting conversation with one of my clients and it made me wonder how many of you are faced with the same situation


My client told me that she had met this guy who wanted to sell her a bundle of three supplements that would make her happier, healthier, less stressed and be a better leader.

He told her wanted her to have one pill for her skeleton, or bones, one pill for her blood and I guess that was some kind of iron supplement, and then there was one vitamin pill. He told her that it was really a bargain an that she would get all three for only 55 dollars a month and that would be what she needed to be a good leader and to have a better life.


That’s that’s all there was to it.


Let me give you my take on this and maybe I will make some enemies now because this is how I see it. Why on earth would she take these pills?


Did she have bone issues, breaking her legs easier than anyone else or any other bone?




Did she have anemia?




She had recently been to her gynecologist because she had too much pain in her periods and blood tests were taken and her blood results were perfect.


Did she have more infections that wouldn’t heal or anything else that would say something about her immune system.




She had only had one small cold in the last two years.


So from my point of view it would be a waste of money to buy pills for these apparent “benefits”. She didn’t need them.


I wouldn’t prescribe these things unless I’d done some proper tests and seen that she actually did have a lack of something.


I know where I recommend people put their money and it’s not into this, and I will tell you later in the blog.


I’m amazed by the supplement industry. They are selling pills for so much money that when you put that in your mouth the only thing that’s going to happen is that your excrements at the other end will be very expensive because when you put expensive things in then expensive things come out!


There was really a recently very big study about supplements, vitamins and antioxidants and it showed that the people who ate pills without really needing them had no health improvements, wasn’t any less stressed and had no other additional benefits than the people who didn’t.


The only ones that benefited from the pills were those who had specific deficiencies that were mentioned beforehand so they knew what they were treating.


Patricia, my client, she didn’t actually pick up on the offer in the end and I’m happy for her.


So what did she do instead?


She ate proper food, healthy proper food, and when I tell people that’s what you need instead they say “I can’t afford to buy proper food”, I’m not saying that you were listening to this now can’t buy it but that’s the kind of excuse a lot of people say. They say that junk food and fast food is so much cheaper and that’s what we buy it.


I just sigh and say put the extra money on buying proper food instead of buying pills or trying any quick fixes that won’t help you.


The next question is what is good and healthy food?


You can make lists of what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it too, which can make it very complicated when you are working out what you’re supposed to put in your mouth instead of those pills.


But that’s not what I want.


I want it to be easy for my dear lady bosses.You want the easy life right?


Well, I have three basic rules for healthy eating.


  1. The first one is to eat a little bit of everything.

Yes. Just a little bit of everything, and if you want something extra you can take nuts fruits and vegetables. That’s something that you can eat a lot of.


There are a couple of things that you really don’t need at all and those are refined sugar and white flour because they absolutely add nothing to a healthy meal.


Beware of soft drinks because they are a lot of empty calories, they’re just sugar and they drive your hunger. Even the ones that are so-called non sugar they the substances that they put in them that is also driving your hunger, so drink water instead I would say.


So that’s the first step. Eat a little bit of everything.


  1. The second one is eat on a regular basis.


Three meals a day. And I’m talking about three meals EVERY day even on the weekends because our body has these little inner clocks and wants to have things in a regular way. That’s how you want to be the healthiest and feel the best actually – keeping your body in a good routine.


  1. Eat just one serving at each meal even if it is delicious because if you start taking two servings because it’s very good then you’re going to get another health problem and that’s being overweight, and I’m not going to cover that in this video but that’s something you want to avoid. So one serving.


So let’s recap:


  1. Eat a little bit of everything.


  1. Eat on a regular basis, three meals a day.


  1. Only one serving at each meal.


I hope you’ve enjoyed the blog today. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments so please do leave me a note if this has connected with you.


If you think you need a helping hand with this or any other stress issue then just click here and we can connect on a call to get you back on the road to great stress management.